Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Today I have gotten alot of work done on my resume.
I fixed the line problem, and I decided that I am going to have a button open a new flash document which is where the drawing section will be. But today I added more images to the portfolio page, which I will need to add more, but that will go in last. And I added my summery text to the summery frame. I also started the bottom menu area so you can quickly jump around to where you want to go. I am having one problem with my resume atm, which is when you click "Close book" in the train frame to go back it fades out then its supposed to go to the flashlight frame, but instead it just repeats the fade out over and over. But I am also going to start and continue working on the play and stop button for the music, and add a back button. And tomorrow I am adding the final sounds that I will need, then I will be close to done.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Today I spent my time trying to fix the problems with my resume. I am still not sure where the lines are coming from, and I removed the drawing page completly, but its still showing up for some reason. So today I spent the period rebuilding and recoding to get it to work correctly.
So I do not have much to show, because nothing new got done today just working on the problems I need to correct before moving on.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Today I worked on the resume page. I have the background done and finished. I created a glowing box that says "Locate the lightswitch to turn on the lihgts" and I created a button of a lightswitch and when clicked it flips up then it goes to the next frame which is the same image but "Bright" and then a few seconds later the glowing box enlarges to the middle of the screen which will include the resume. I am having a few problems though that I spent most of the period trying to fix, but I seem to be going no where with it. On the drawing page, the custom cursor is not working and you are supposed to be able to click to draw, but instead of drawing on that frame, it draws in the mask where the "flashlight" effect is. I cannot seem to fix it. And There are a few lines that are a movie clip, but they are only one frame and they show up through half of the frames, and I searched all frames and layers and cannot find a reason for them doing it. Also When you are searching for the lightswitch you find it, but you cannot click it. And I am not sure how to fix that. But I am going to work on those problems tomorrow, and if I cannot correct the drawing one, I will just remove it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today I got alot of work done. I finish the inside of the train, and I got everything onto the main timeline. And I changed the train so it looks better and flows well. When you first get to the train part of the resume, it fades in which I used a 0 alpha to a 100 alpha, then the doors open, and the screen fades out to black. Then you are inside of the subway cart and a book will appear which is supposed to be like you are going to draw while you wait, and it says on the left "Click the image below if you would like do draw while you wait." and it goes to the drawing page I previously made. Then you can click a button that says "Continue" to go back to the train where it will then fade out to black again doing the alpha but from 100 - 0. Then tomorrow I will be able to add the resume page which will consist of it being completly black, but a streetlight shining on a sign that says "Locate the on off switch to turn the lights on" and you will have a flash light to locate it. When its flipped on a big wall covered in graffiti will appear with the resume section in the middle which will enlarge so you can read it. I also have all my images scanned and completed for the portfolio section but I still may add a few more.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today I worked on the inside part of the subway cart. I did not get as much done as I wanted do to time, but I have the basics of it started. And I also worked on on getting a cool animated button, but it has not worked yet so I have no pictures to show of that. And I also got alot of my drawings scanned so I can include those into my portfolio section, and I will have more tomorrow. And tomorrow I should be able to include my summery text.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Today I managed to get alot done. I did not like the resume menu section when you enter the subway train because the image was off, and just did not look good. So I remade it with a new subway look, and it seems to work alot better. I did all the artwork for it today, and animating it. When you enter it it will show the inside of the train, but alot better then before because I was strong good artwork. And when you click it, it will take you to the resume page. The resume page is going to be dark, and you have a flashligh that you have to use to search for a switch that will turn the lights on, then the resume will be right infront of you. It is still a work in progress but everything works how its supposed to so far.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Today I worked on the resume 'menu' portion of my resume. I have the train doors working, so the train opens and it seems to get closer as if you are going into it, then the screen dims to black, pulses black and white, then shows you inside the train, and a piece of paper blows past you and its supposed to be as if you noticed it, picked it up and when you looked at it there is one word written. "RESUME" But the resume button is diffrent then my other buttons because it says each letter within every 5 seconds so it goes R.....E.....S.....U.....M.....E
then its clickable where it will take you to the main resume area on the timeline.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Today I worked on the coding for the rooftop page, I realized today that the coding was off. So I had to recode the last image I worked on and a few others to get them to properly work. And I didnt not get much time to work we were in D's room till 2:30 or so. But I got the coding fixed, and the images work again.]

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today I helped out a fellow student with some button problems for the majority of the class period, but I managed to finish the artwork I was working on yesterday and I also added it to the ROOFTOP part of my resume, complete with the zoom code and etc. So now it works, and I can move on to the next part of my resume.