Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I got alot done today. I split up my time half and half to work on the interactive resume, and my capstone. With the resume, I got the sounds in, and I also made a volume control bar to adjust the volume, start, and stop. And its fully functional. I have a background song playing throughout the whole thing, and sound effects to go with just about every scene. I also redid the rooftop page, and made a more noticable easy button, and added some new artwork. I also re made the clouds in the bg because they were cutting off some of the images. I fixed the repeating train frame. It now does what it is supposed to do. There is also a SKIP button that I added, so that you can skip scenes to look at something, and I am adding a button to pause the resume. I am still having trouble with the button on the mask frame. But tomorrow I am working to fix that problem, add some more artwork, fix a few little things, and add a few more sounds. And for my capstone I started from scratch and got the bg done, and there are three monitors, and each ones brings up parts about my capstone. ONe side has a video, so you can get a visual, the other side has key points, and there are images that are built like a slideshow, as well as moving speakers. All the buttons work, although some of them need touched up art wise. I am working more on the effects of it tomorrow. The background also pulses from black to white.