Friday, May 22, 2009


1. What advice would you give to a student starting their interactive resume project?

I would tell them to take their time and not rush through it. I would give them some examples of things I ran into such as buttons not working, or pages not loading right and its all because I tried to rush it. And the end result was I had to remake the whole thing and present it in one day. And no one wants to do that. They need to take their time, take notes, listen to all the advice the teacher has to say and try their best. And I would tell them that they need to make sure they have all the information they need on the Capstone section, and also to make sure that all their text is readable and their resume is overall interesting to look at and creative. I picked graffiti for mine because its very colorful, and a definite eye catcher. So think of something original and creative that you can do that will attract people to look at it.

2. What would you add or remove from the interactive resume project.

Well I am not sure I would remove anything because I am very proud of it, and worked hard but I would like to add all the items that I had to cut out. I had to remove half of my resume because when I made it, it was story based. So it was a little to long so I had to cut out a lot of the artwork and things that I spent a lot of time on, but other then that I wouldn’t really change a thing.

3. What would you change about the capstone project?

With the capstone project I would change the organization more. I was also rushed to finish it because for a while the things I was wanting to do was not working and again with the too long subject. But the organization was definitely off. A lot of the information was scattered through out the slideshow because I rushed into it, so I believe my capstone could have gone a lot better (not that it really went bad) ,but a lot better if it was more organized.

4. What did you learn about yourself as an interactive media designer over the past two years?

Honestly I learned stuff that I never thought I would. I realized that I love to work with flash, Photoshop, and dream weaver. It made me realize that I could have a career in something multimedia related and I would have fun doing it. And I realized that taking your time on things always has a great result. I love the feeling when you finish a long project and it turns out just the way you pictured. And basically I just realized that going to IMD was probably the best thing I could have done. It has opened my eyes to so many things and before IMD I had no clue what to due with my life and even though I still am not 100% sure what I want to do or be it has opened up many possibilities for a career. I am thankful for all that I have learned and experienced in IMD. And also it helped me get along with people better. This is something that I would normally keep to myself but being here has helped me a lot. I am used to keeping things to myself, and just doing things by and for myself but being in IMD helped me become more friendly, and more of a “peoples person”.

5. Do you feel that your experience in IMD will help you in the future?

Yes I do. I am now looking into a career as a web designer or a graphic designer and now I have better knowledge on how to accomplish this. And it also helps’ when applying because now they will see that I have knowledge and went to school for this type of stuff. And I feel that I can apply myself to what ever they want me to do, and there are many jobs out there for these types of things especially now, so I truly believe that it helped me a lot, and can help me get an amazing career in the future.