Monday, April 27, 2009

questionaire, find pictures

How To Conduct a Live Multi Camera Shoot Name: ________________

1. How many cameras will you need?

2. What is the definition for SEG?

3. The switcher/SEG is the what of a multi camera shot?

4. The audio tech, lighting team, camera operator, technical director’s are a group called what?

5. In a typical video shot of a live performance how many shots will you be switching between?

6. What types of shots are they?

7. What is the directors job?

8. What is one main effect used?

3 pages

When I first joined IMD, I did not really know what to expect. I joined because I wanted to learn more about web design and filming. But I actually learned alot more then that. The first day of school I was excited but also nervous about starting at a new school with new people. When I first met my teachers I realized that they were all real nice. Some of them came off as a bit intimidating, but still nice. The first day of IMD I was very excited. I was amazed by the studio, and the computers and all of the equipment that was there, and the teachers were very nice. The students were also very nice, and I new a few of them already from past schools. Through out the year I learned a lot more then I ever excepted to learn. I never used flash or Photoshop before, and now that I know how I absolutely love it and use it everyday. IMD has been very fun, and a great experience. My first year of IMD I remember learning how to use flash, Photoshop, 3D Max and many other things. And I enjoyed the photography part, I was never too into photography until now. And we did a little bit with filming which was my favorite part. The music videos that we did at the end of the year was also very fun, and a great learning experience. Last year I worked very hard to get good grades because all throughout my high school years I was barely passing and I wanted to do better. And I met my expectations and got decent grades. But this year is a different story. At the end of the junior year I was actually for the first time sad to go summer break. But don't get me wrong I was excited to have some time to get away from "learning" but I was going to miss my teachers and friends. And when I’m away from school I realized that I wish I was there to use Photoshop or flash, or some type of program that IMD offers. Coming back from summer break to my senior year was a complete different story then my junior year. At the beginning of the year it was going good, I was starting off strong, and ready to graduate. But halfway into the school year things changed. I had my 18th birthday and I started to change. I started to want to be my own person "an adult" and I felt that I didn’t want to be there anymore. It's kind of difficult to explain but I felt that since it was my senior year I didn't want to be there anymore and that there was no point to be there because I thought we were going to have reviews of everything we previously learned. And my outside of school life was not going to great either. I'm not saying that it was anyone’s fault but my own of course. And I do not want to get into to much detail but I will say that the whole adult thing was getting to me and I was arguing allot with my parents, and rebelling, and I had just gotten my car and I wanted to leave all the time and never wanted to listen to what my parents were trying to tell me. And then I skipped school for the first time ever and realized how much fun it was and for some reason I kept doing it and doing it. It came to a point where I would go to school in the morning until my self not to and end up doing it anyways. It may sound dumb but honestly it was like I couldn’t control my self. I tried my hardest to go back but when I finally ended up not skipping I would just skip till fourth period or so and go in. And all of this affected me greatly. I finally got myself back on track due to help of my parents and teachers. Everyone gave me good advice and helped me a lot. And I also got a lot of help from Mrs. Raqusa who gave me really good advice and made me realize that there was no point to what I was doing and where it was going to lead me in the future. But again don't get me wrong everyone helped a great deal. When I started going again and trying I realized how deep of a whole I buried myself in and how hard it was going to be to get out. And I was trying but for some reason I was still getting into a lot of trouble and in IMD Mr. Fitzer would call me into the hallway everyday when at that time I thought he was just trying to gang up on me but now I realize that he was just trying to help. But I was getting very aggravated about it because it was affecting my home life as well and all I wanted was for my parent's to be happy. But I had a talk with my parents and Mr Fitzer about this and gradually things started to get better. And there was a time that Mr Fitzer and me were in the hallway and I said that I don’t like Mr Dimasso. And I completley did not mean this. Mr Dimasso is a great teacher; he has actually taught me many things that I would have never learned anywhere else. As well as Mr Fitzer. When things started to get better I went down to the guidance councilor a lot to get help and to find out what I needed to graduate, and that really did help. I started to buckle down and do my work and really try. It’s towards the end of the year now and may mindset seems to be in the right place. I want to try and do my best and graduation is the number one thing on my mind and I really am trying everything possible to pass. I am very nervous about it now that school is really almost over, but I am also confident that I can make it. I realize that all year I have been giving my teachers a lot of trouble with grades and work being completed, but now I believe they all see I really am trying and that makes me feel better and confident because I feel that if they believe I want to pass they will take more effort to help me pass and I have definitely noticed this. But my career choice seemed to change as the year continued to go bye. I realized that I enjoy working on cars and car audio a lot, and I personally think that this makes my teachers a bit aggravated but there is some IMD type activities that are involved in car audio. But I also am still very interested in Filming, and I want to continue filming and trying to have a business where I can film and edit my own videos. I am working hard to get all my work done and show that I can do it, but I am still very nervous about graduation, and I am also extremely nervous about the exams. I am not good with test’s I look at them and forget everything. I have not told my teachers about this because I am also very shy, and have trouble speaking in front of classes and I hate when I am called out to answer something. Although I will admit that it has gotten better with IMD, because I have gotten more comfortable around my peers and presenting and reading in front of them. Although I still have the quiz and test problem I can present. Everyday all that goes through my head is that I need to do good, and continue working no matter what. And that it will be worth it once I graduate and I really need to try. One way thought that I got myself to be motivated was to tell myself that its not worth it to go to school a whole other year why not just finish now and be done. And that was a good reminder for me that I seemed to refer to when ever it was necessary. Even though I am still in a deep hole I believe my teachers now realize how much I want to pass and how hard I am trying and they are really helping me due my best to graduate. Looking back I realize how my priorities have not been correct, if I could change the way I have acted over the last two years I would. All of a sudden I realize how important doing well in school, graduating from high school and being prepared to get a good job are. I appreciate all the help my teachers and Mrs. Caton have given me to try and succeed this year.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

When I first joined IMD, I did not really know what to expect. I joined because I wanted to learn more about web design and filming. But I actually learned alot more then that. The first day of school I was excited but also nervous about starting at a new school with new people. When I first met my teachers I realized that they were all real nice. Some of them came off as a bit intimidating, but still nice. The first day of IMD I was very excited. I was amazed by the studio, and the computers and all of the equipment that was there. And the teachers were very nice. The students were also very nice, and I new a few of them already from past schools. Through out the year I learned alot more then I ever excpected to learn. I never used flash or photoshop before, and now that I know how I absolutley love it and use it everyday. IMD has been very fun, and a great experience. My first year of IMD I remember learning how to use flash, photoshop, 3D Max and many other things. And I enjoyed the photography part, I was never too into photography untill now. And we did a little bit with filiming which was my favorite part. The music videos that we did at the end of the year was also very fun, and a great learning experiance. Last year I worked very hard to get good grades because all throughout my high school years I was barely passing and I wanted to do better. And I met my expectations and got decent grades. But this year is a different story. At the end of the junior year I was actually for the first time sad to go summer break. But don't get me wrong I was excited to have some time to get away from "learning" but I was going to miss my teachers and friends. And when i'm away from school I realized that I wish I was there to use photoshop or flash, or some type of program that IMD offers. Coming back from summer break to my senior year was a complete different story then my junior year. At the beginning of the year it was going good, I was starting off strong, and ready to graduate. But halfway into the school year things changed. I had my 18th birthday and I started to change. I started to want to be my own person "an adult" and I felt that I didnt want to be there anymore. It's kind of difficult to explain but I felt that since it was my senior year I didn't want to be there anymore and that there was no point to be there because I thought we were going to have reviews of everything we previously learned. And my outside of school life was not going to great either. I'm not saying that it was anyones fault but my own of course. And I do not want to get into to much detail but I will say that the whole adult thing was getting to me and I was arguing alot with my parents, and rebelling, and I had just gotten my car and I wanted to leave all the time and never wanted to listen to what my parents were trying to tell me. And then I skipped school for the first time ever and realized how much fun it was and for some reason I kept doing it and doing it. It came to a point where I would go to school in the morning until my self not to and end up doing it anyways. It may sound dumb but honestly it was like I couldnt control my self. I tryed my hardest to go back but when I finally ended up not skipping I would just skip till fourth period or so and go in. And all of this affected me greatly. I finally got myself back on track due to help of my parents and teachers. Everyone gave me good advice and helped me alot. And I also got alot of help from Mrs. Raqusa who gave me really good advice and made me realize that there was no point to what I was doing and where it was going to lead me in the future. But again don't get me wrong everyone helped a great deal.. When I started going again and trying I realized how deep of a whole I buried myself in and how hard it was going to be to get out. And I was trying but for some reason I was stilll getting into alot of trouble and in IMD Mr. Fitzer would call me into the hallway everyday when at that time I thought he was just trying to gang up on me but now I realize that he was just trying to help. But I was getting very agravated about it because it was effecting my home life as well and all I wanted was for my parent's to be happy. But I had a talk with my parents and Mr Fitzer about this and gradually things started to get better. And there was a time that Mr Fitzer and me were in the hallway and I said that I dont like Mr Dimasso. And I completley did not mean this. Mr Dimasso is a great teacher, he has actually taught me many things that I would have never learned anywhere else. As well as Mr Fitzer. When things started to get better I went down to the guidance councelar alot to get help and to find out what I needed to graduate, and that really did help. I started to buckle down and do my work and really try. Even though I am still in a deep hole I believe my teachers now realize how much I want to pass and how hard I am trying and they are really helping me due my best to graduate. Looking back I realize how my prioriests have not been correct, if I could change the way I have acted over the last two years I would. All of a sudden I realize how important doing well in school, graduating from high school and being prepared to get a good job are. I appreciate all the help my teachers and Mrs. Caton have given me to try and suceed this year.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009


I have everything finished and done. I finished my resume as well as my senior project today.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Today I worked on the resume and capstone and I got alot more done.
In my resume The mask was not allowing me to click the button, so I changed it so that there is a countdown timer that counts down from 15 to 0 and the glowing box says "The lights will turn on in 15 seconds" then I added an alpha from 0-100 to add the "lights turning on effect, then a few frames later the box takes up the whole screen where my resume is located. And in my capstone, I remade the monitors because they were not to good looking, and I edited some more of the graphics and got moving speakers. Tomorrow I should be done and finished.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I got alot done today. I split up my time half and half to work on the interactive resume, and my capstone. With the resume, I got the sounds in, and I also made a volume control bar to adjust the volume, start, and stop. And its fully functional. I have a background song playing throughout the whole thing, and sound effects to go with just about every scene. I also redid the rooftop page, and made a more noticable easy button, and added some new artwork. I also re made the clouds in the bg because they were cutting off some of the images. I fixed the repeating train frame. It now does what it is supposed to do. There is also a SKIP button that I added, so that you can skip scenes to look at something, and I am adding a button to pause the resume. I am still having trouble with the button on the mask frame. But tomorrow I am working to fix that problem, add some more artwork, fix a few little things, and add a few more sounds. And for my capstone I started from scratch and got the bg done, and there are three monitors, and each ones brings up parts about my capstone. ONe side has a video, so you can get a visual, the other side has key points, and there are images that are built like a slideshow, as well as moving speakers. All the buttons work, although some of them need touched up art wise. I am working more on the effects of it tomorrow. The background also pulses from black to white.