Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Today I continued to work on the preloader. I added in the button which is at the moment inactive. And I also worked on some new artwork for the resume. And my bpa work is just about done.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Today I worked on the coding for my preloader and it is working. And I am also including art into the background. But I got the coding done, the preload actually loads, and I have the text included on where to click. The button is not included yet. To create the preload I just made two layers called frame, bar. I copied the outside frames of the box, cut, paste into frame "frame" then locked that layer and converted the box to a mc. inside the movie clip I created three layers called actions, loadbar, preload, the preload is made into a motion tween where the line increases as it loads.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Today I worked on the artwork for my design involving the rooftop design and building/store design. The artwork and arrangement is mostly what I worked on today.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today I worked on the artwork for my BPA res.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Today I worked on more of the artwork for my resume. I had more done but I guess I forgot to save them or they are in an unknown folder atm. But here is some of the artwork that I have been working on. Not sure if I am keeping though.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Today I worked on another drawing, its getting close to being done.